The final report from the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Act Committee of Review is now available.
The committee made 34 recommendations based on consultations held in 2021-22. The committee received 61 written submissions from organizations and 36 from individuals. In addition, the committee heard from 19 individuals and organizations through virtual consultations held in early 2022.
“I would like to thank the members of the committee for their dedication in listening to the citizens of this province who shared their feedback on our workers’ compensation system,” Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Minister Don Morgan said. “I would also like to thank the individuals and organizations who shared feedback and suggestions for improvement.”
Twelve of the recommendations made by the committee were related to policies and coverage, five were health and wellness related, nine were customer service and communication related and eight were related to appeals.
The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013 requires a review be conducted five years after the previous report was submitted. The committee reviews and reports on all matters concerning the Act, regulations and the administration of the Act and regulations. They provide an opportunity for individuals and organizations to make suggestions for improvement to the Saskatchewan workers’ compensation system.
Further consultations will be taking place based on the suggested legislative recommendations. The public is welcome to share their feedback on these recommendations by emailing by Jan. 31, 2023.
To read the report and recommendations, visit: