Home Legal News Law societies launch 2024 articling survey to assess training, mentorship, and workplace environment

Law societies launch 2024 articling survey to assess training, mentorship, and workplace environment

by HR Law Canada

The Law Society of Alberta, in collaboration with the law societies of British Columbia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, as well as the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society, has announced the launch of a comprehensive survey targeting the articling experience. The survey aims to gather feedback from current articling students, new lawyers (under five years of call), principals, recruiters, and mentors.

The 2024 Articling Survey seeks to assess the types of training and mentoring provided to articling students, identify issues related to discrimination or harassment, and evaluate how well-prepared students feel to practice law in the modern era. This initiative follows a similar survey conducted in 2019 in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, with the scope now expanded to capture additional relevant information.

The survey has two distinct versions: one for articling students and new lawyers, and another for principals, recruiters, and mentors. This dual approach aims to highlight parallel issues within the articling system from different perspectives. Participants can take the survey through provided links, and responses are anonymous and confidential.

Survey participation encouraged

The survey takes approximately 15–20 minutes to complete, and participants are encouraged to contribute their feedback by June 20, 2024. Additionally, those who complete the survey have a chance to win a free Legal Education Society of Alberta webinar or on-demand program of their choice, valued up to $95.

A third-party consultant will analyze the data to identify trends and improvements, ensuring the findings remain anonymous when presented publicly. A summary of the findings will be shared once the analysis is complete.

Continuing cross-provincial collaboration

This survey is part of an ongoing effort among the five law societies to enhance the articling experience across jurisdictions. The results will aid in making informed decisions about programs and resources related to articling, lawyer competence, and equity, diversity, and inclusion.

The 2019 survey, which saw a 23 percent response rate from 549 student and new lawyer respondents in Alberta, revealed significant concerns. Notably, 32 percent of respondents reported experiencing discrimination and harassment, primarily based on gender or race/ethnicity, during recruitment or articling. Additionally, the survey highlighted inconsistencies in the competencies learned during articling and varying levels of preparedness for entry-level practice. The quality of mentorship and feedback was also identified as a challenge.

By comparing the 2024 data with the 2019 findings, the law societies aim to understand progress and address ongoing challenges in the articling system. The ultimate goal is to improve the articling experience and better prepare students for the practice of law in the future.

Take the surveys

Take the surveys at the links below:

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