Home Legal News Prominent employment lawyer facing discipline from Law Society of Ontario: CBC

Prominent employment lawyer facing discipline from Law Society of Ontario: CBC

by HR Law Canada

A prominent Canadian employment lawyer, L.S., is facing disciplinary action from the Law Society of Ontario for his aggressive tactics against dissatisfied clients, according to an exclusive report published by the CBC.

The law society accuses L.S. of being “abusive, offensive or otherwise inconsistent” with professional standards when he threatened or filed lawsuits against three former clients who either posted negative reviews online or refused to pay their bills. L.S. has acknowledged his misconduct and issued apologies to the affected clients, according to the story by Zach Dubinsky, an investigative journalist with the CBC

The complaints against L.S. include instances where he demanded the removal of negative online reviews under the threat of defamation lawsuits and pursued significant financial claims against clients who disputed their bills.

For instance, one former client, identified as IK, was threatened with a $500,000 defamation lawsuit after posting a negative Google review. Another client, JD, was sued for $1,500 in fees plus additional damages after she claimed the firm had provided incorrect legal advice.

Read the full story at https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/lior-samfiru-law-society-ontario-complaints-1.7224893

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