Home Featured A complaint well-handled: B.C. tribunal dismisses case from Parq Vancouver worker mocked for speech impediment

A complaint well-handled: B.C. tribunal dismisses case from Parq Vancouver worker mocked for speech impediment

by HR Law Canada

Parq Vancouver took a harassment complaint seriously, conducted an investigation and made reasonable steps to remedy the situation, the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal has ruled. As a result, the worker’s complaint was dismissed.

The complaint was filed by R.S., a cage shift manager at the casino and resort, who was mocked and teased by a colleague for having a disability-related speech impediment.

R.S., a long-standing employee who has worked at Parq and its predecessor for over a decade, said the harassment began after she reported the colleague’s behavior to management in July 2019. Despite corroborative testimony from at least one eyewitness, she was unsatisfied with the casino’s handling of her complaint and the subsequent internal investigation.

Parq admitted the allegations were true and expressed regret over the incidents, acknowledging that such behavior was “not justifiable” and “should not have occurred.” In response, the company disciplined the colleague, issuing a final written warning and requiring an apology, while instituting several measures to prevent future incidents, including policy revisions and employee training.

The Tribunal found that Parq had taken “reasonable and effective steps to address and remedy the alleged discrimination,” citing the thorough investigation and corrective actions taken by the company. Parq said it “takes allegations of discriminatory harassment seriously, and did so in this case.”

Additionally, the Tribunal considered a settlement offer from Parq to R.S., which included a payment of $4,000 and remained open for acceptance, to be reasonable. This offer included monetary compensation and detailed commitments to ensure a supportive workplace environment upon her return.

Tribunal documents reveal R.S.’s enduring distress over the incident. Her “dignity, self-respect, and confidence have been severely impacted by this conduct,” she said, expressing ongoing discomfort and isolation at work. Despite these feelings, the Tribunal decided not to proceed further with the complaint against Parq or the colleague, concluding that the actions taken by the employer aligned with the Human Rights Code’s purposes of addressing and preventing discrimination.

For more information, see Salanguit v. Parq Vancouver and another, 2024 BCHRT 119 (CanLII).

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