Home Legal News Dana J. Campbell-Stevens, Liliane Gingras joining partnership at Rubin Thomlinson LLP

Dana J. Campbell-Stevens, Liliane Gingras joining partnership at Rubin Thomlinson LLP

by HR Law Canada

Dana J. Campbell-Stevens and Liliane Gingras are joining the partnership at Rubin Thomlinson LLP.

“These accomplished workplace investigators bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to our team,” the firm said in a LinkedIn post.

Dana J. Campbell-Stevens

Dana J. Campbell-Stevens

With more than 10 years of combined experience in Ontario and the Caribbean and a background in litigation and mediation, Campbell-Stevens has “excellent investigative and fact-finding skills, along with the ability to handle emotionally-charged situations,” the firm bio on her states.

“She takes pride in being fair and respectful and remains impartial and objective regardless of the matter she is investigating. This approach inspires the trust and confidence of all sides, creating a comfortable environment where everyone feels free to share relevant information,” it said. “Dana finds it particularly satisfying when she can help clients turn problems or conflicts into workplace improvements, or when a proper investigation helps clients avoid litigation.”

Liliane Gingras

Liliane Gingras

Gingras’ role is to provide advice to the firm’s investigators.

“The focus of Liliane’s work is on reviewing investigation reports prepared by the firm’s investigators. She verifies that the investigation process was fair and impartial, the collection of evidence was thorough, and the findings of fact and conclusions reached in the report are legally sound. Liliane is also regularly called upon to help resolve challenging procedural and evidentiary issues that arise during investigations,” her firm bio states.

“Similarly, Liliane serves the firm’s clients by reviewing reports prepared by their internal workplace investigators, providing them with investigation support, and conducting assessments of their investigation processes.”

Having been involved in hundreds of investigations, Liliane is well-versed in all types of workplace investigations, including personal harassment, discrimination, sexual harassment, reprisal, and code of conduct matters. She uses this experience to serve as the external ombudsperson for various client organizations.

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